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时间 : 2018-10-26 10:45 浏览量 : 143






5、墙壁、天花忌用力猛擦:木板墙、黑色瓷砖与木天花板,清洁时可用湿布沾浓缩肥皂水轻抹,不可用力以免伤及外表。粉墙、壁纸墙,清洁时只需用鸡毛帚由上至下掸去尘埃即可。不管是哪种墙壁,若是沾上污垢时,千万不可用力猛擦,否则会损坏墙壁。最好是用一杯酒精、一小匙清洁剂混合后,以喷雾器喷在墙壁的污垢处,再以热毛巾掩盖污垢就能随便去除了。Home maintenance and cleaning five taboos 1, plastic floors avoid water towing: water cleaning plastic floors will make detergents and water and gum play a chemical role, forming a floor degumming or stilt up the scene. If the water falls on the plastic floor, it should be dried as soon as possible. 2. Avoid using hot water to wipe the dermal sofa: Do not use hot water to wipe the dermal sofa by all means, otherwise the skin will be deformed due to excessive temperature. It can be lightly smeared with wet cloth, such as grease stains, and can be rubbed with diluted soap water. 3. Furniture made of rattan should not be scrubbed with ordinary detergent: rattan furniture with ordinary detergent scrubbing, will damage rattan. It is best to use brine to scrub, not only to remove dirt, but also to make the rattan soft and elastic. The dust on the cane chair can be brushed away from the net by the soft brush from the outside. If the stain is too heavy, it can be erased with detergent and dry again at the beginning. If the white cane chair, initially put a bit of vinegar, so that it neutralizes with detergent to prevent discoloration.  Brush the cane chair with a brush and sodas. You can also get rid of the dirt. 4. Avoid traveling on the road when cleaning: The correct way is: from top to bottom, from inside out, put the cleaning utensils outside a bucket, let it follow you at any time, to clean the room clockwise.  Centrally store the required cleaning appliances and keep the cleaned rooms clean and tidy. 5. Avoid brushing walls and ceilings with force: wooden walls, black tiles and wooden ceilings, can be cleaned with a wet cloth dipped in concentrated soap water to lightly wipe, can not force to avoid injury to the appearance. When you clean the walls and walls of the wallpaper, you can only dust the dust from the top to the bottom with a feather brush. No matter what kind of wall, if it is stained with dirt, do not force hard to wipe it, otherwise it will damage the wall. It is best to mix it with a glass of alcohol and a small spoon of cleanser, spray it on the dirt on the wall, and then cover it with hot towels.

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